Why is allthis microbiome stuff happenig now

Why is all this microbiome stuff happening now?

Advances in science now allow us to “see” DNA and we can now study ecosystems that were previously too small to study. The Polymerase Chain Reaction, discovered by Kerry Mullis…

what are microbes and probiotics

What are microbes and probiotics?

All single celled organisms are microbes, this includes viruses. A microbiome is the sum of all the single celled organisms living in and on a body. All living things have…

perfect microbiome scaled 1

What is the perfect skin microbiome?

This is a really tough question. The skin is now viewed as an ecosystem … so how would you answer the question: What is the perfect ecosystem? Is it a…

Anti Ageing probiotics

Anti-ageing probiotics

YOUR ARMY OF LITTLE HELPERS. Skin probiotics are safe and natural and they work. They protect, moisturise, maintain skin pH and reduce inflammation. Lump all of these benefits together and…

probiotics strengthen barrier function

Probiotics strengthen barrier function

Remedy Sensitivity – Probiotics strengthen barrier function and protect you from pathogens so they automatically guard your immune system from exposure to unnecessary triggers. Apart from acting as a shield of armour,…

Probiotics Balance pH

Probiotics balance pH

ACID MANTLE INTEGRITY IS KEY TO EFFECTIVE BARRIER FUNCTION. It is not intuitive to think that something as seemingly inconsequential as pH could have a mighty impact on ageing but…

Probiotics Moisturise

Probiotics Moisturise

HYDRATE FROM WITHIN. You may not know this but live Lactobacillus probiotics on (and in) skin can produce the coveted skincare ingredient Hyaluronic Acid. Right there in the stratum corneum…

Probiotics protect

BOOST YOUR SKIN’S ARMOUR. Probiotic microbes can help to safeguard your skin against pathogenic microbes. When prolific and healthy, your skin microbes construct a biofilm in the outer layer of…

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Is sunscreen anti-ageing?

THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT LONG-TERM EXPOSURE TO HIGH LEVELS OF UV ACCELERATES AGEING. Does this mean that you should do whatever you can to get your sun exposure to…